Monday, June 29, 2020

Post 1: Welcome to ML800!

You have chosen to take ML800 this academic period.  This decision will embark you on an adventure that will show you how humans learn in educational settings.  You will learn about the miraculous human brain and its dynamics, about how psychology and pedagogy are two interrelated sciences, about how humans acquire their first language and later a second, a third, etc.

We will read about and discuss the work and theories of prominent experts on the field of second language acquisition; you will also research about the different methods devised to teach English as a second/foreign language. 

In short, you will have the opportunity to learn how to cope with some of the challenges of being a language teacher by understanding how the process of learning takes place.

Be very welcome to the class and...happy learning!

Marcia Torres Xatruch de Milla

Course Instructor

Day 1: Getting acquainted with each other and with the course

Objectives for class 1

Students will be able to
  • demonstrate understanding of the  information about the aims and goals of the course, assessment criteria, and guidelines regarding attendance, presentation of assignment and other important matters regarding the course.
  • understand the definition of the word psychopedagogy.
  • identify the characteristics of a great teacher
This is the PROGRAM for the class. It is important you read it carefully and come back to it from time to time to asses progress.

Here you can check the prompts and rubrics for the assignments that are going to be done during this course:
Assignment #1:
Prompt assignment #1
Rubric assignment #1

Assignment #2:
Prompt assignment #2
Rubric assignment #2

Assignment #3:
Prompt assignment #3
Rubric assignment #3

1. Go over the contents of the syllabus and write down any doubt you may have. Please, explore Purdue Writing Lab (it may prove very useful later.)

What Makes Great Teachers Great

Please watch the video What Makes Great Teachers. What are the characteristics they say amazing teachers have.

This is one of my favorite videos on what makes a teacher great. Watch Rita Pearson, a wonderful teacher, talking about her experiences in the classroom.

Research out of the U.S. indicates there are characteristics that can predict whether a teacher will be a great teacher before they even get in the classroom. And that's important when other studies show the teacher is one of the most crucial factors in a child's school successA poor teacher can set your child back forever; a great teacher inspires them forever.

1. Review the program of the class
2.Please finish watching the videos posted.
3. Review the fundamental concepts of Psychology and Pedagogy.  These links  may help you:
   a) to review  main concepts about Psychology
   b) take a look at this entry about Educational Psychology. 
   c) Check this link to review the main concept of Pedagogy.


ABC. What makes great teachers great. Retrieved from YouTube.
TVO Parents. What makes great teachers great. Retrieved from   
Ted Talks on YouTube