Monday, June 29, 2020

Post 6: How the Human Brain Learns


Students will be able to
  • describe how the brain learns new information.
  • discuss how they can apply  this knowledge to the teaching-learning process. 
  • answer the question: Why should a teacher know about how the brain works?
Can you answer these questions?:
1. What brain structures does learning depend on?
2. About how many neurons does the brain have?
3. Describe the process of learning new information.
4. How are the pathways between neurons created?
5. How would you apply this in your daily work as a teacher?
6. The brain is where emotions originate. Why is it important for a teacher to know this?
7. To be able to function properly and learn efficiently, the brain needs these:
8. What factors can affect the brain negatively?
9. Is everybody capable of learning? of being intelligent?
10. Why is the idea of the traditional teacher, as the source of all content in the classroom, can be considered obsolete nowadays?

Video 1: The Learning Brain

Video 2: How is your brain wired?

Video 3: Brain based learning 

Write three conclusions you have arrived to after watching these videos.

What is Active Learning?

Teaching methods for inspiring students in the future.

If you have time, watch these teachers exercising their students brains in different ways and at different levels:

Video 4: Whole brain teaching in the first grade

Video 5: An English class in kindergarten in China

Video 6: ESL Beginner Lesson for adults

Homework: Watch the videos we did not finished in class.